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How to create a new basic extension for Magento 2 fast

How to create a new basic extension for Magento 2 fast

Hi Everybody, I am Cuong, Welcome back to my Magento 2 tutorial video series.


Today, I want to show everybody an app very nice, that it will help you to create a new basic Extension for Magento 2 fast. This app was created by me and published on the website


You are a Magento 2 developer, you are working on a project in your company, and the client requires you to create a new module in Magento 2, there are many steps for creating a new module, such as writing the codes to create a new table in the database, create the adminhtml route, menu, acl, model, collection, grid, CRUD,... and these steps will take you a lot of time to complete. 


Use free this app here


You can watch the video of this app here