Please help to get product details and its corresponding categories using sql query
Hello @vatsalshah74a9
Can you try with below query if that will help you:
select cpe.entity_id, cpe.sku, cpev.value as name, cpr.`parent_id`, cpe1.sku as parent_sku, cpet1.value as short_description, cpev2.value as url_key, cpev3.value as brand, cpei.value as status, cpei1.value as visibility, (select class_name from tax_class where class_id = cpei2.value and class_type='PRODUCT') as tax_class, (select value from eav_attribute_option_value eaov where option_id=cpei3.value and store_id=0) as include_in_feed, cped.value as price, cped1.value as special_price, mg.value as media_gallery, cids.category_ids, cids.category_names, cids.category_paths from catalog_product_entity cpe left join catalog_product_entity_varchar as cpev on cpev.entity_id=cpe.entity_id and cpev.attribute_id=73 -- name -- left join catalog_product_entity_text as cpet1 on cpet1.entity_id=cpe.entity_id and cpet1.attribute_id=76 -- short description -- left join catalog_product_entity_varchar as cpev2 on cpev2.entity_id=cpe.entity_id and cpev2.attribute_id=119 -- url key -- left join catalog_product_entity_varchar as cpev3 on cpev3.entity_id=cpe.entity_id and cpev3.attribute_id=136 -- brand -- left join catalog_product_entity_int as cpei on cpei.entity_id=cpe.entity_id and cpei.attribute_id=97 -- status -- left join catalog_product_entity_int as cpei1 on cpei1.entity_id=cpe.entity_id and cpei1.attribute_id=99 -- visibility -- left join catalog_product_entity_int as cpei2 on cpei2.entity_id=cpe.entity_id and cpei2.attribute_id=134 -- tax class -- left join catalog_product_entity_int as cpei3 on cpei3.entity_id=cpe.entity_id and cpei3.attribute_id=184 -- include in feed -- left join catalog_product_entity_decimal as cped on cped.entity_id=cpe.entity_id and cped.attribute_id=77 -- price -- left join catalog_product_entity_decimal as cped1 on cped1.entity_id=cpe.entity_id and cped1.attribute_id=78 -- specials price -- left join catalog_product_relation cpr on cpr.child_id=cpe.entity_id left join catalog_product_entity cpe1 on cpe1.entity_id=cpr.parent_id left join cataloginventory_stock_status css on cpe.entity_id=css.product_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id, GROUP_CONCAT(distinct c.category_id SEPARATOR ',') AS category_ids, GROUP_CONCAT(distinct cv.value SEPARATOR ',') AS category_names, GROUP_CONCAT(distinct cv1.value SEPARATOR ',') AS category_paths FROM catalog_category_product c INNER JOIN catalog_category_entity_varchar cv ON c.category_id = cv.entity_id and cv.attribute_id=45 and cv.store_id=0 INNER JOIN catalog_category_entity_varchar cv1 ON c.category_id = cv1.entity_id and cv1.attribute_id=118 and cv.store_id=0 GROUP BY product_id) cids ON cpe.entity_id = cids.product_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT m1.entity_id, GROUP_CONCAT(m2.value) AS value FROM catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value_to_entity m1 INNER JOIN catalog_product_entity_media_gallery m2 ON m2.value_id = m1.value_id and m2.`attribute_id`=90 GROUP BY m1.entity_id) mg ON cpe.entity_id=mg.entity_id where cpe.type_id='simple' and css.stock_status=1 and css.qty>0 limit 1000 offset 10;
You can change where condition based on your requirement. Let me know if anything specific you needed. Thanks
The output is coming NULL for all the column.Could you please help what could be issue.
specifically what i want is to create table similar to flat_store_1 where i can have all the products.
Flat store 1 has limited tables.
Hi @vatsalshah74a9
kindly refer below links :
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@Bhanu Periwal It worked but categories didn't came as Main category,child category,child child category...
The sequence didn't come right Any help in that would be great.
Hi @vatsalshah74a9
Please try this query :
SELECT entity_id, GROUP_CONCAT(category_id) as category_ids FROM ( SELECT `e`.entity_id, `at_category_id`.`category_id` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_product` AS `at_category_id` ON (at_category_id.`product_id`=e.entity_id) ) sub_query GROUP BY entity_id
This query will show product list with child chain.
Query products in multiple categories (each product has a default category, then the child cat)
SELECT entity_id, category_ids, (LENGTH(category_ids) - LENGTH(REPLACE(category_ids, ',', '')) + 1) as category_cnt FROM ( SELECT entity_id, GROUP_CONCAT(category_id) as category_ids FROM ( SELECT `e`.entity_id, `at_category_id`.`category_id` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_product` AS `at_category_id` ON (at_category_id.`product_id`=e.entity_id) ) sub_query GROUP BY entity_id ) final_query HAVING category_cnt > 2
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