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How to override the "getAddToCartUrl()" function?

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How to override the "getAddToCartUrl()" function?

I'm attempting to override the "getAddToCartUrl" function, in "AbstractProduct.php", found at \vendor\magento\module-catalog\Block\Product.

Essentially, I'm looking to modify it, so that it simply ignores the "hasRequiredOptions()" check and just returns the url, regardless of the product type. Here's the code for "getAddToCartUrl" - 

if ($product->getTypeInstance()->hasRequiredOptions($product)) {
     if (!isset($additional['_escape'])) {
          $additional['_escape'] = true;
     if (!isset($additional['_query'])) {
          $additional['_query'] = [];
     $additional['_query']['options'] = 'cart';

     return $this->getProductUrl($product, $additional);
return $this->_cartHelper->getAddUrl($product, $additional);



I've attempted to create a module that simply overrides this function, but it isn't being called (I believe the module is enabled properly, as I can see it displayed as "enabled" in the backend).

I'm hoping someone can point me in the correct direction, with some helpful tips/reading material.


Thanks in advance!


Re: How to override the "getAddToCartUrl()" function?

Re: How to override the "getAddToCartUrl()" function?

Thanks for the reply, zhdiroda.

That method didn't work, but here's what I tried (in case I've done something incorrectly).

- set the registration.php file.

- set the module.xml file.

- inserted this line in the \app\code\{namespace}\{module}\etc\di.xml file:

<preference for="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product" type="{namespace}\{module}\Block\ExtendProduct" />


- Created the file, "AbstractProduct.php" at \app\code\{namespace}\{module}\Block, and added this code:

namespace <namespace>\<module>\Block;
class AbstractProduct extends \Magento\Catalog\Block\Product
    public function getAddToCartUrl($product, $additional = [])
        return $this->_cartHelper->getAddUrl($product, $additional);

- I deleted the \pub\static folder and the \var\cache, \var\composer_home, \var\generation, \var\page_cache and \var\view_preprocessed folders.

- ran the command, "setup:static-content:deploy" and refreshed the page.