I need to have all categories and subcategories ordered by name.
How can I do it? Do I have to modify this file?
I've tried:
$_categories = $block->getCurrentChildCategories()->addAttributeToSort('name','ASC');
$_categories = $block->getCurrentChildCategories()->setOrder('name', 'ASC');
I've tried this solution to
But none of the tests are working for me.
Could you help me? Please!
foreach ($_categories as $_category){ <br> $categories[$_category->getName()] = $_category->getUrl();<br> ksort($categories, SORT_STRING);<br> }
I tried your solutions but it don't works
In my file
<?php foreach ($_categories as $_category){ $_categories[$_category->getName()] = $_category->getUrl(); ksort($_categories, SORT_ASC); echo $block->escapeHtml($_category->getName()); } ?>
I've insered your code but it give me this error
Error: Cannot use object of type Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Category\Collection\Interceptor as array in /home/customer/www/site.it/public_html/app/design/frontend/VENDOR/THEME/Magento_Catalog/templates/navigation/left.phtml.
I'm doing something wrong?