Hi All,
I want to get current quote data for cronjob in cron/run.php. But it's not working.
Please check my code. I am stuck with this. Magento2 version is CE 2.2.6
namespace ABC\Abandon\Cron; use \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class Run { protected $logger; protected $scopeConfig; public function __construct( LoggerInterface $logger, \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig ){ $this->logger = $logger; $this->scopeConfig = $scopeConfig; } public function execute(){ $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $cartObj = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Checkout\Model\Cart'); $quoteId = $cartObj->getQuote()->getId(); $itemsArray = $cartObj->getQuote()->getAllItems(); foreach($itemsArray as $item) { $productName[] = $item->getName(); } if(is_array($productName)){ $productNames .= implode(';',$productName); } $abdata['productNames'] = $productNames; $abdata['quoteid'] = $quoteId; return $abdata; } }
hello @Shiwani Miglani
your code seems fine .. but in cron file since the area is different you will not get checkout session there . You can achieve your object by using observers as well.
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Thanks @shikha1193 for the reply.
How I can use observer function in the cron.php file. Do you have any code snippet?
I am working on a custom cron job the first time.
Can I run the observer file in the cron job? But I have tried already, it's not working at my end.
@Shiwani Miglanican you tell me for what purpose you are adding cron .. based on that I can suggest how to do that
hello @Shiwani Miglani
For getting abandon cart details what you can do you need to create collection of all customers' active quotes which is not being updated since "the time condition you need " in your cron/run.php
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Hi @shikha1193
I really appreciate If you can share the running code for this? I have tried all the ways and not able to get solve this.