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Magento 2.3.3 Getting issue in custom module GraphQL

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Magento 2.3.3 Getting issue in custom module GraphQL

I would like to create custom GraphQL for a custom module. but I am facing an issue. see below GraphQL response.graphql-response.png


In the above image, you can see I am able to get the response of days and details value but unable to get the value of dates it will return always null but actually value is present.

Below is my schema.graphql

type Query {
    getInformation(id: String!): StoreHolidayInfo @resolver (class: "\\Namespace\\Modulename\\Model\\Resolver\\StoreHolidayInfo") @doc(description:"Returns holiday information about store")
type StoreHolidayInfo {
   dates: [holidayDates]
   days: String
   details: [holidayDetails]
type holidayDates {
   repetitive: Int
   normal: Int
   shipping_off_day: Int

type holidayDetails {
   holiday_id: Int
   holiday_name: String
   holiday_applied_stores: String
   holiday_date_from: String
   holiday_date_to: String
   holiday_comment: String
   is_repetitive: Int
   is_active: Int
   all_store: Int

Below is my Resolver class.


namespace Namespace\Modulename\Model\Resolver;

use Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Config\Element\Field;
use Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Exception\GraphQlInputException;
use Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\Resolver\Argument\SearchCriteria\Builder as SearchCriteriaBuilder;
use Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Query\ResolverInterface;
use Magento\Framework\GraphQl\Schema\Type\ResolveInfo;
use Namespace\Modulename\Api\StoreInformationManagementInterface;

 * Class StoreHolidayInfo
 * @package Namespace\Modulename\Model\Resolver
class StoreHolidayInfo implements ResolverInterface
     * @var StoreInformationManagementInterface
    protected $storeInformationManagement;

     * StoreHolidayInfo constructor.
     * @param StoreInformationManagementInterface $storeInformationManagement
    public function __construct(
        StoreInformationManagementInterface $storeInformationManagement
    ) {
        $this->storeInformationManagement = $storeInformationManagement;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function resolve(Field $field, $context, ResolveInfo $info, array $value = null, array $args = null)
        if (!isset($args['id']) || empty($args['id'])) {
            throw new GraphQlInputException(__('"id" argument should be specified and not empty'));

        $storeHoliday = $this->storeInformationManagement->getStoreHolidayInformation($args['storelocator_id']);

        return [
            'dates' => $storeHoliday[0]['dates'],
            'days' => $storeHoliday[0]['days'],
            'details' => $storeHoliday[0]['details']

If I print the $storeHoliday the object in Resolver file I am getting the below response.

    [0] => Array
            [dates] => Array
                    [repetitive] => Array
                            [0] => 1-14
                            [1] => 1-15
                            [2] => 1-14
                            [3] => 1-15
                            [4] => 1-26

                    [normal] => Array
                            [0] => 01-14-2020
                            [1] => 01-15-2020
                            [2] => 01-26-2020

                    [shipping_off_day] => Array


            [days] => 1
            [details] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [holiday_id] => 1
                            [holiday_name] => Kites festival
                            [holiday_applied_stores] => 2,3,4
                            [holiday_date_from] => 2020-01-14
                            [holiday_date_to] => 2020-01-15
                            [holiday_comment] => <p>Kites festival</p>
                            [is_repetitive] => 1
                            [is_active] => 1
                            [all_store] => 1

                    [1] => Array
                            [holiday_id] => 2
                            [holiday_name] => Republic day
                            [holiday_applied_stores] => 2,3,4
                            [holiday_date_from] => 2020-01-26
                            [holiday_date_to] => 2020-01-26
                            [holiday_comment] => <p>Republic day</p>
                            [is_repetitive] => 1
                            [is_active] => 1
                            [all_store] => 0




So, in short, I am unable to get the value of it. what's going wrong in the above code. can anybody help me to solve this issue?

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Re: Magento 2.3.3 Getting issue in custom module GraphQL

Actually I have defined dates: holidayDates is an array. after define dates: holidayDates as a string in the schema.graphql reason for this I am getting a null response. and also some change response in Resolver.


Below is my updated schema.graphql 

type StoreHolidayInfo {
    dates: holidayDates,
    days: String,
    details: [holidayDetails]

type holidayDates {
    repetitive: [String] @doc(description: "holiday id"),
    normal: [String] @doc(description: "holiday id"),
    shipping_off_day: [String] @doc(description: "holiday id")

type holidayDetails {
    holiday_id: Int @doc(description: "holiday id"),
    holiday_name: String @doc(description: "holiday name"),
    holiday_applied_stores: String @doc(description: "holiday applied stores"),
    holiday_date_from: String @doc(description: "holiday date from"),
    holiday_date_to: String @doc(description: "holiday date to"),
    holiday_comment: String @doc(description: "holiday comment"),
    is_repetitive: Int @doc(description: "yearly repitive"),
    is_active: Int @doc(description: "is active holiday"),
    all_store: Int @doc(description: "all store"),

And change below code in Resolver.

return [
        'dates' => array(
            'repetitive' => $storeHoliday[0]['dates']['repetitive'],
            'normal' => $storeHoliday[0]['dates']['normal'],
            'shipping_off_day' => $storeHoliday[0]['dates']['shipping_off_day']
        'days' => $storeHoliday[0]['days'],
        'details' => $storeHoliday[0]['details']

I would like Thanks Yash Shah 

If Issue Solved, Click Kudos/Accept As solutions.

View solution in original post


Re: Magento 2.3.3 Getting issue in custom module GraphQL

Actually I have defined dates: holidayDates is an array. after define dates: holidayDates as a string in the schema.graphql reason for this I am getting a null response. and also some change response in Resolver.


Below is my updated schema.graphql 

type StoreHolidayInfo {
    dates: holidayDates,
    days: String,
    details: [holidayDetails]

type holidayDates {
    repetitive: [String] @doc(description: "holiday id"),
    normal: [String] @doc(description: "holiday id"),
    shipping_off_day: [String] @doc(description: "holiday id")

type holidayDetails {
    holiday_id: Int @doc(description: "holiday id"),
    holiday_name: String @doc(description: "holiday name"),
    holiday_applied_stores: String @doc(description: "holiday applied stores"),
    holiday_date_from: String @doc(description: "holiday date from"),
    holiday_date_to: String @doc(description: "holiday date to"),
    holiday_comment: String @doc(description: "holiday comment"),
    is_repetitive: Int @doc(description: "yearly repitive"),
    is_active: Int @doc(description: "is active holiday"),
    all_store: Int @doc(description: "all store"),

And change below code in Resolver.

return [
        'dates' => array(
            'repetitive' => $storeHoliday[0]['dates']['repetitive'],
            'normal' => $storeHoliday[0]['dates']['normal'],
            'shipping_off_day' => $storeHoliday[0]['dates']['shipping_off_day']
        'days' => $storeHoliday[0]['days'],
        'details' => $storeHoliday[0]['details']

I would like Thanks Yash Shah 

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