How to create Website , Store , Store View , Store Specific Root Category Programmatically ?
I Have Tried below code :
/** @var \Magento\Store\Model\Website $website */ $website = $this->websiteFactory->create(); $website->load('my_custom_code'); if(!$website->getId()){ $website->setCode('my_custom_code'); $website->setName('My Custom Name'); $website->setDefaultGroupId(3); $this->websiteResourceModel->save($website); } if($website->getId()){ /** @var \Magento\Store\Model\Group $group */ $group = $this->groupFactory->create(); $group->setWebsiteId($website->getWebsiteId()); $group->setName('My Custom Group Name'); $group->setRootCategoryId(2); $group->setDefaultStoreId(3); $this->groupResourceModel->save($group); } /** @var \Magento\Store\Model\Store $store */ $store = $this->storeFactory->create(); $store->load('my_custom_store_code'); if(!$store->getId()){ $group = $this->groupFactory->create(); $group->load('My Custom Group Name', 'name'); $store->setCode('my_custom_store_code'); $store->setName('Mu Custom Store Code'); $store->setWebsite($website); $store->setGroupId($group->getId()); $store->setData('is_active','1'); $this->storeResourceModel->save($store); // Trigger event to insert some data to the sales_sequence_meta table (fix bug place order in checkout) $this->eventManager->dispatch('store_add', ['store' => $store]); }
But few options are still not working , like store code is not generating, store specific category code is not there etc.
So whats the best approach to create all 4 website ,store view,store,store specific category programatically. ?
I have already refer this link as well -
Advanced Thanks ,Your help will be appriciated.
Solved! Go to Solution.
So as per my need , i have created this dynamically , i have created my separate form with grid and getting field values from there and while clicking on save button it will generates all 3 dynamically.
Below is the code for Website Creation :
public function getWebsite() { $group = $this->groupFactory->create(); if($this->getGroupId()) { $group->load($this->getGroupId()); if($group->getId() && $group->getWebsiteId()) { $website = $this->websiteFactory->create(); $website->load($group->getWebsiteId()); return $website; } } return null; }
Below is the code for store creation :
private function createOrUpdateGroup($groupId, $websiteId, $storeName, $storeCode) { $group = $this->groupFactory->create(); if($groupId) $group->load($groupId); $group->setWebsiteId($websiteId); $group->setName($storeName); $group->setCode($storeCode); $group->save(); return $group; }
Below is the code for Root Category :
private function createOrUpdateRootCategory($data, $categoryId = 0) { $rootCategoryName = $data['name']; $category = $this->categoryFactory->create(); if($categoryId != 0) $category->load($categoryId); $category->setName($rootCategoryName . ' - Default Category'); $category->setIsActive($data['is_active']); $category->setStoreId(0); if($categoryId == 0) { $parentCategory = $this->categoryFactory->create(); $parentCategory->load(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Category::TREE_ROOT_ID); $category->setDisplayMode(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Category::DM_PRODUCT); $category->setPath($parentCategory->getPath()); } $category->save(); return $category->getId(); }
Below is the code for store view :
private function createOrUpdateStore($group, $websiteId, $storeViewName, $storeViewCode, $data) { $store = $this->storeFactory->create(); if($group->getId() && $group->getDefaultStoreId()) $store->load($group->getDefaultStoreId()); $store->setName($storeViewName . ' - Store View'); $store->setCode($storeViewCode); $store->setWebsiteId($websiteId); $store->setGroupId($group->getId()); $store->setSortOrder($data['sort_order']); $store->setIsActive($data['is_active']); $store->save(); return $store; }
Hi @Manthan Dave,
I didn't tested but did you check this thread: ?
Yes i have already seen that thread.
But as per my requirement i needed some better way as i am creating store dynamically with my custom grid !!
so looking for an alternative way to do this !!
So as per my need , i have created this dynamically , i have created my separate form with grid and getting field values from there and while clicking on save button it will generates all 3 dynamically.
Below is the code for Website Creation :
public function getWebsite() { $group = $this->groupFactory->create(); if($this->getGroupId()) { $group->load($this->getGroupId()); if($group->getId() && $group->getWebsiteId()) { $website = $this->websiteFactory->create(); $website->load($group->getWebsiteId()); return $website; } } return null; }
Below is the code for store creation :
private function createOrUpdateGroup($groupId, $websiteId, $storeName, $storeCode) { $group = $this->groupFactory->create(); if($groupId) $group->load($groupId); $group->setWebsiteId($websiteId); $group->setName($storeName); $group->setCode($storeCode); $group->save(); return $group; }
Below is the code for Root Category :
private function createOrUpdateRootCategory($data, $categoryId = 0) { $rootCategoryName = $data['name']; $category = $this->categoryFactory->create(); if($categoryId != 0) $category->load($categoryId); $category->setName($rootCategoryName . ' - Default Category'); $category->setIsActive($data['is_active']); $category->setStoreId(0); if($categoryId == 0) { $parentCategory = $this->categoryFactory->create(); $parentCategory->load(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Category::TREE_ROOT_ID); $category->setDisplayMode(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Category::DM_PRODUCT); $category->setPath($parentCategory->getPath()); } $category->save(); return $category->getId(); }
Below is the code for store view :
private function createOrUpdateStore($group, $websiteId, $storeViewName, $storeViewCode, $data) { $store = $this->storeFactory->create(); if($group->getId() && $group->getDefaultStoreId()) $store->load($group->getDefaultStoreId()); $store->setName($storeViewName . ' - Store View'); $store->setCode($storeViewCode); $store->setWebsiteId($websiteId); $store->setGroupId($group->getId()); $store->setSortOrder($data['sort_order']); $store->setIsActive($data['is_active']); $store->save(); return $store; }
@Manthan Dave Thank you for posting your solution. I'm trying to get it working. I can't really figure out which namespaces you're using. Would you mind posting the "use" statements and perhaps your constructor?
Thanks again!
Can you please remove this and keep the forum clean.
Magento has version 2.3.3 and it has a importer for this:
Please use this. Now people can not find good help because search engines thinks your DIY solution is a actual solution.