Customers who qualify for free shipping will also have paid shipping option shown, which may be confusing.
Is there a way to hide other shipping methods when free shipping method is available?
this might help
@lgarridoj wrote:Customers who qualify for free shipping will also have paid shipping option shown, which may be confusing.
Is there a way to hide other shipping methods when free shipping method is available?
Did you get any answer on this?
Did you create a new module?
Hello @pisha,
public function getList($cartId) { ............ $free=false; $freeOutput=[]; foreach ($shippingRates as $carrierRates) { foreach ($carrierRates as $rate) { if($rate->getCode()=='freeshipping') { $free=true; $freeOutput[] = $this->converter->modelToDataObject($rate, $quote->getQuoteCurrencyCode()); }else{ $output[] = $this->converter->modelToDataObject($rate, $quote->getQuoteCurrencyCode()); } } } if($free==false) { return $output; }else{ return $freeOutput; } }
If work then you need to create plugin after afttergetList/aroundGetList() and implement same logic.
If my idea work then mark as solution.