I am using Magento 2 Modal. My modal is coming out very fast from top to bottom. I would like to control the speed. So that it comes out little slowly. How can I do that ?? Can anyone help me in this regard?? Thanks
You can do it with a CSS rule.
How is the mage.modal UI widget's animation implemented? https://mage2.pro/t/1306
How do you implement the modal when someone clicks an image link?
I need an example to use if anyone has one.
I want a small modal to slide in or popup on click. (are there any effect options with the core Magento?): Where do I put the code?
<div class="col-sm-3 col-xs-6" style="padding-left:7px;padding-right:7px;padding-bottom:15px;"> <a class="image-link" href="#"> <img alt="" src="http://wwww.com/pub/media/wysiwyg/wwwode/frontpage/propolis.jpg"> </a> </div>