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Magento 2 order information: How to add links dynamically?

Magento 2 order information: How to add links dynamically?

When a customer selects an order in his order history he is redirected to the order information page.

If the items have not yet been shipped there is only one tab available: Items ordered. If its shipped and invoiced two other tabs are available: Shipment and Invoice.

Where can I find the code responsible for showing and not showing the aforementioned tabs? I am asking because I want to create a custom tab and dynamically decide whether it should be shown or not.


Re: Magento 2 order information: How to add links dynamically?

@Jens_Noma Enable template path hints and check the respected files. Go on path to enable path hint - Stores > Configuration > Developer  options  from the Advanced tab at the end. 

set Enabled Template Path Hints for Storefront to yes

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Re: Magento 2 order information: How to add links dynamically?

Unfortunatelly, I already did that but I was not able to find the piece of code responsible for that.

Re: Magento 2 order information: How to add links dynamically?

By default In Order history page of Customer dashboard,


All the dynamics links are handled by below layout XML from Sales Module,


All the links are managed by _toHtml() function from Link.php,


You can add/modify your new tab using above xml overriding in your custom theme or module level.



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Re: Magento 2 order information: How to add links dynamically?




Please check below XML for same



 <block class="Magento\Sales\Block\Order\Link" name="">
                        <argument name="key" xsi:type="string">Invoices</argument>
                        <argument name="path" xsi:type="string">sales/guest/invoice</argument>
                        <argument name="label" xsi:type="string" translate="true">Invoices</argument>

In that code

protected function _toHtml()
        if ($this->hasKey()
            && method_exists($this->getOrder(), 'has' . $this->getKey())
            && !$this->getOrder()->{'has' . $this->getKey()}()
        ) {
            return '';
        return parent::_toHtml();

you need to do customize above method for that.


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Sunil Patel
Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer & Frontend Developer