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Magento 2 widget isn't responsive

Magento 2 widget isn't responsive

Hi, I have issues with widgets. I created widgets, I set breakpoints, but they don't work. When I'm changing window width there aren't any changes. At every window width there are 5 products.

Can someone help me?

Here is code of widget:

{{widget type="MageBig\WidgetPlus\Block\Product" 
widget_title="ODPORÚČANÉ PRODUKTY" classes="heading-title text-center"
product_type="featured" product_ids="57,54,61,55,62,56"
product_style="7" cache_lifetime="86400" limit="10"
countdown="0" slider="1" row="1" margin="30" navigation="1" paging="1"
column="5" x1600="5" x1200="4" x992="3" x768="3" x576="2" x0="2"



Re: Magento 2 widget isn't responsive

Hi, my widget is there, but it isn't resposible. On mobile, there might be 2 products, but there are 5 products.

Re: Magento 2 widget isn't responsive

Hey, @f45879,


I have seen your query. This blog might helpful to you. 


Please refer to this blog:

This helps you to create a widget programatically. 


Hope this helps you. 


Thank you.