I want to do the checkout page in my local which has to be similar with hellyhansen checkout page. How to do that? Kindly suggest a solution.
Hi @anand_v
Looking at the hellyhansen , they have also a two step checkout which is magento 2 's default checkout.
They have just override the checkout design, where shipping address and shipping method both are on same layer or i would say beside with each other.
So if you wanted to create a same like hellyhansen , then i would suggest you to start with move shipping method block beside shipping address block !
they haven't used any extension for that , but created a custom extension for the same!
As an custom start , just go through with tutorial how to override checkout and its block it will helps you for the same !
Hope it helps !
Thanks @Manthan Dave for your quick response.
Will check with the tutorial to override the checkout page and update the issues if any faced.
Hi @anand_v
Sure not an issue, if you need any further help or if you face any issue you can always share your thoughts over here. or if issue solved accept as solution so other user gets helped !
Hi @Manthan Dave.
I have made some research reg the checkout override. But unable to move the blocks in the checkout page. Because it is something different from other pages
(Ex., Homepage, Catalog page and PDP page).
I'm new to magento. Help me to fix
Someone please help me to fix my issue
I want to do checkout page that has to be similar with hellyhansen checkout page.
Please suggest me to move the blocks.
Can you please share some reference and screenshot here.
My Local magento checkout page.Local magento checkout page
Hellyhansen Checkout page
I want to make or clone checkout page as it is in the hellyhansen site.
Please suggest me to move the blocks