Hi everyone
I have a question regarding a plugin I wrote to add custom extenstionAttributes to a magento Order. I created a afterGet plugin on a Magento\Sales\Api\OrderRepositoryInterface that adds two custom extensionAttribute fields. If I debug in the plugin the extensionAttributes are set, but once I debug my order after all the plugins had their way with it, the keys for the extensionAttributes are set, but the data is removed.
Anyone experienced this before?
Debug plugin: extension attributes are set
Debug of a order: extension attributes keys are set, but data is null
Hello @jefstarrin1ca5
Please refer blow link for create extension attribute and save with database:
Save value of extension attribute with database
It may help you!
Thank you
I followed a simular tutorial https://m.academy/blog/programmatically-add-column-magento-2-sales-order-database-table/ to implement the fields