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Order stored cc_details so that DataObjectProcessor.php was unable to parse.

Order stored cc_details so that DataObjectProcessor.php was unable to parse.

Hi Magento guys,


I have been deploying magento CE 2.1.2.


I has placed an order with "payflowpro" method in your StoreFront. Everything goes perfectly. The order has been placed, the money has been charged (demo mode only). 


But, when I viewed the order with REST API, it raised exception as following log:

Next exception 'Exception' with message 'Report ID: webapi-582e756ec6692; Message: Notice: Array to string conversion in G:\phproot\magento2\vendor\magento\framework\Reflection\TypeCaster.php on line 34' in G:\phproot\magento2\vendor\magento\framework\Webapi\ErrorProcessor.php:195


I also open the code to debug and found that when getting additional information, there is an array named "cc_details". And this is the reason TypeCaster failed.


Here is my screen shot.




Is this a bug in Magento 2.1.2?


Thanks for your help.