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Overwrite or plug in to observer method

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Overwrite or plug in to observer method

I am wondering if and how it is possible to either overwrite or plug in to an observer method?

I tried to set a preference in /etc/frontend/di.xml:

<preference for="Magento\Quote\Observer\Frontend\Quote\Address\CollectTotalsObserver"

If I add a logging to the original class and to my custom one, I can see that still the original class is executed, but not my overwritten one.

I then tried to add code with a plugin in same di.xml:

<type name="Magento\Quote\Observer\Frontend\Quote\Address\CollectTotalsObserver">
        <plugin disabled="false" name="Vendor_Module_Plugin_Magento_Quote_Observer_Frontend_Quote_Address_CollectTotalsObserver" sortOrder="10"

But still no logging output. Of course I cleared cache, run setup:upgrade and setup:di:compile, but it just does not work. I am sure that all files are in the correct place and classes named correctly.

Can someone explain this or give me any hint?