Hi all, I used the service REST API to insert products, but it happens to me a strange thing, when I insert in the title the word "HP 250 G4" I get this error
"object (stdClass) # 289 (1) {[" message "] = > string (22) "Unable to save product"} "
Here's an example of my call to the bees:
$data = array( "product" => array( "sku" => $prod->sku, "name" => 'HP 250 G4', "attributeSetId" => 91, "price" => $prod->price, "status" => 1, "extensionAttributes" => array( "stockItem" => array( "qty" => $prod->qty, "is_in_stock" => true, ), ), "customAttributes" => array( array( "attributeCode" => "snumero_di_threads_del_process", "value" => "valoreTest" ), array( "attributeCode" => "activity", "value" => 0 ), array( "attributeCode" => "color", "value" => 0 ), array( "attributeCode" => "category_ids", "value" => 241 ), array( "attributeCode" => "description", "value" => "<p>Test descrizione</p>" ), array( "attributeCode" => "tax_class_id", "value" => "2", ), array( "attributeCode" => "short_description", "value" => "Descrizione corta", ), array( "attributeCode" => "manufacturer", "value" => "Enzo", ), ), ));
The strange thing is that if I put in the title of this "HP250 G4" text works. Apparently, it seems that annoys the number separated from other words in the title.
What could be your problem?
I found the problem, undergoing various tests, he had created the link rewrite db, and so it was in conflict. The worst thing is that thus special magento I did not specify where the error had occurred.