I am looking to solutions for Price per customer price list with different currency.
For example.
customer1 Product1 200USD
customer1 Product2 300SGD
customer2 Product1 250SGD
customer2 Product3 200SGD
customer3 Product1 240SGD
customer3 Product3 190SGD
customer3 Product4 350USD
Is it possible to do that?
How could we do check out if shopping cart have different currency product and how to split order for each currency?
Please help me I am new Magento.
According to your requirement you have to create multi store with different currency.
Please go through below extension link it will help you:
If this post fulfill your solution then please mark as accept.
Thank you for your solutions.
It seems like customer need to switch to different website to see different currency.
Our model is B2B and once Customer1 logged into to website they can see price list as below
customer1 Product1 200USD
customer1 Product2 300SGD
customer1 Product8 2500YEN
I'd like to achieve this feature without switching store, currency by user.
Thank you very much.
Please refer this extension it may help you:
Magento doesn't work that way, it requires a hardcoded checkout/base currency per website, so you have a large problem. When the currency conversion changes or the base price changes you have to reload the datasets and then reindex, it's a maintenance nightmare. Normally a customer will be in a location so you can have a website per country, but too many of those and your system will grind to a halt.
There is no simple solution, we have access to special technology derived from enterprises which 'adjusts' the Magento pricing system to handle these scenarios. There are a couple of extensions but they do not deal with the fundamental problem, you would have to test them thoroughly and see if they work for you but most likely not.
The general way to perform constant data loads in to the system or have scripts recalculating the prices, it can work but you would need to separate it in to an batch server meaning a cluster based setup.