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Problem with mage to 2 Language swicher

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Problem with mage to 2 Language swicher

Hi guys, am facing an issue with language switcher. When ever am trying to change the language it is taking effect to only homepage. When i goto product page automatically it is selecting default english language. Can any one help me out ?


Re: Problem with mage to 2 Language swicher

Hello @bharath553 ,


It is default functionality of Magento, if you have setup  properly Language with store view.
Are you using any custom theme ?, If Yes, then check header block, might be more modification and effecting the caching.

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Re: Problem with mage to 2 Language swicher

Hello @bharath553 


Can you please try this and let me know how it goes?

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Re: Problem with mage to 2 Language swicher

Hi @bharath553 


Its a know issue in the magento version less than 2.2.2


You can find a quick fix in the below link.


This is the same issue which you are facing.

Try this and let me know if you stuck somewhere.


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Re: Problem with mage to 2 Language swicher

HI guys,  am using magento 2.2.9 with out theme it is working good but after integrating theme it is not working for other pages. except homepage. can any one suggest me what to do ?

Re: Problem with mage to 2 Language swicher

Hi @bharath553 


If it's a paid theme then you can check this with there support.

You can also check the demo of the theme, may be someone has already reported this issue.


Or can you please let me know which theme are you using and can you please share the pubic url so that we may have a look on it.



Re: Problem with mage to 2 Language swicher

Thank you so much for your quick response.
Theme Name : infortis ultimo
url :

Re: Problem with mage to 2 Language swicher

Hi @bharath553 


I have checked your theme and they are providing 6 month support.

So just create a ticket there.They definitely suggest a solution for this.


Moreover the another url which you have provided is not working.



Re: Problem with mage to 2 Language swicher

can you check the below url

Re: Problem with mage to 2 Language swicher

Hi @bharath553 


One more thing i noticed there, they have made a fix for your issue.


Please check the screenshot  

So please check your version and accordingly upgrade your theme version.

