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REST API detailed documentation

REST API detailed documentation

I am currently developing an interface for an external ERP to communicate with Magento 2.
I decided to use the REST API and the creation of categories and products already works basically.

However, I still have some minor questions that I don't find answered in the documentation for the REST API. Maybe I also have the wrong sources?

So far I have developed based on this link:

Until then good, but I can't find a documentary about the parameters in the payload anywhere. Some are self-explanatory, but for example there is nowhere which parameters are really needed or optional.

Through external tutorials I have noticed that I only need a few parameters from the payload to create a category.

Is there a better/detailed documentation about the API methods somewhere?

Thanks for hints and tips



Re: REST API detailed documentation



Thanks for your answer.


I hardly know of any other API documentation that doesn't deal with mandatory and optional fields.
Do you have another source where this is described?

A documentation in which I have to find out from many parameters which one I actually need for which request is a bit lean from my point of view. Whereby I find the documentation itself very well done, only the details are missing.

But as I said, if you have a better source, I am open for suggestions.