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Rest Api list of attributes Groups

Rest Api list of attributes Groups

Hello everyone, I'm trying to pull out the list of all the attributes groups via REST API, but I have a problem with your request, you can explain how to do, because with my request via url I always get this error:


$this->url = 'http://www,';
$action = 'V1/products/attribute-sets/groups/list';
$link = $this->url.$action.'?&searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][field]=attributeSetId&searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][value]='.$setId.'&searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][filters][0][condition_type]=eq';

Documentation indicates this:


  "items": [
      "attributeGroupId": "string",
      "attributeGroupName": "string",
      "attributeSetId": 0,
      "extensionAttributes": {}
  "searchCriteria": {
    "filterGroups": [
        "filters": [
            "field": "string",
            "value": "string",
            "conditionType": "string"
    "sortOrders": [
        "field": "string",
        "direction": "string"
    "pageSize": 0,
    "currentPage": 0
  "totalCount": 0

This is the error that comes back to me:

object(stdClass)#483 (2) { ["message"]=> string(31) "%fieldName is a required field." ["parameters"]=> object(stdClass)#484 (1) { ["fieldName"]=> string(16) "attribute_set_id" } }

Can someone help me?
Thank you


Re: Rest Api list of attributes Groups

Please Pass like below 





you will get the result.

Re: Rest Api list of attributes Groups

As of version 2.1.X it has to be used like this:




Don't camelcase the parameters.  Not sure why it changed, but if you are getting an error like 


"message": "Invalid signature"


Then, you have the casing wrong.  Theres really nothing wrong with the signature. Go figure.

Re: Rest Api list of attributes Groups

Re: Rest Api list of attributes Groups

Ok, so I have been banging my head against the wall with this same problem for a while, and it seems that the API is just plain bad.


Considering the API route, which accepts the standard searchCriteria parameters:

GET /V1/products/attribute-sets/groups/list


Based on the definition in the spec and the limited documentation, one would expect that this would allow for searching across all attribute groups, or to simply get a list of all attribute groups that are defined within the system, but it in fact only allows for listing all attributes that belong to a particular attribute set.  The "search parameters" are not really search parameters and only work if set as







Any other parameters seem to be ignored and are meaningless.


There is a PUT route like /V1/products/attribute-sets/{attributeSetId}/groups that would really be a better path for this call, as it follows a more meaningful collection/resource REST model, but alas, that is not how the world is as of Magento 2.2