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UK date for 'delivery date'

UK date for 'delivery date'




I have added a new field called "delivery_date" on checkout page, and added a column (Datetime) on sales_order table.

I have made it work to save the delivery date, however the datepicker is picking up the US date in mm/dd/yyyy format.

I would like to change the format to UK date dd/mm/yyyy.


on LayoutProcessorPlugin.php


            ['shippingAddress']['children']['shipping-address-fieldset']['children']['delivery_date'] = [
                'component' => 'Magento_Ui/js/form/element/abstract',
                'inputDateFormat' => 'dd/MM/Y',
                'storeTimeZone' => 'GMT',
                'config' => [
                    'customScope' => 'shippingAddress',
                    'template' => 'ui/form/field',
                //    'elementTmpl' => 'ui/form/element/date',
                       'elementTmpl' => 'Vendor_Module/deliverydate_init',
                    'options' => [],
                    'id' => 'delivery-date'
                'dataScope' => 'shippingAddress.delivery_date',
                'label' => 'Delivery Date',
                'provider' => 'checkoutProvider',
                'visible' => true,
                'validation' => [],
                'sortOrder' => 200,
                'id' => 'delivery-date'

on deliverydate_init.html

<?php $date = $block->quote->getDeliveryDate(); ?>
    ], function($, ui, registry){
        registry.set('Vendor_Module_initDatepicker', function(element)
            var beforeShowDay = function(date)
                var excludeWeekdays = [<?php echo $block->helper->getConfigExcludedWeekdays(); ?>];

                var holidays = [];
                //holidays with * as year will get current and next year, become two holidays
                <?php foreach ($block->getHolidays() as $holiday): ?>
                holidays.push(<?php echo strtotime($holiday) * 1000; ?> );
                <?php endforeach; ?>

                function checkHolidays(date, holidays)
                    var result = true;
                    $.each(holidays, function(index, holiday){
                        var holiday = new Date(holiday);
                        if(isDateEqual(date, holiday))
                            result = false;
                    return result;

                function checkWeekdays(date, excludeWeekdays)
                    return $.inArray(date.getDay(), excludeWeekdays) == -1;

                function isDateEqual(date1, date2)
                    return date1.setHours(0,0,0,0) == date2.setHours(0,0,0,0);

                var result =    checkHolidays(date, holidays) && checkWeekdays(date, excludeWeekdays);
                return [result, ''];

            var minDate = <?php echo $block->helper->getConfigMinDelayDays(); ?>;
            if(minDate == 0)
                if(<?php echo json_encode($block->helper->isDisableAfterSameDayTime()) ?>)
                    minDate = 1;

            if($(element).length > 0)
                        minDate : minDate,
                        maxDate : <?php echo $block->helper->getConfigMaxDelayDays(); ?>,
                        dateFormat: "<?php echo $block->convertDateFormatToJQueryUi($block->helper->getConfigDateFormat()); ?>",
                        beforeShowDay : beforeShowDay
                return {
                    minDate : minDate,
                    maxDate : <?php echo $block->helper->getConfigMaxDelayDays(); ?>,
                    dateFormat: "<?php echo $block->convertDateFormatToJQueryUi($block->helper->getConfigDateFormat()); ?>",
                    beforeShowDay : beforeShowDay,
                    <?php if($date && $date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'):?> //set date if it was saved in quote before
                    defaultDate : new Date(Date.parse('<?php echo $date ?>'.replace('-','/','g')))
                    <?php endif; ?>

I would like to know what change I need to make?

I have added below code but it does not make difference.

 'inputDateFormat' => 'dd/MM/Y', 
'storeTimeZone' => 'GMT'

Re: UK date for 'delivery date'

Hello @tvgarden,


Thank you for sharing such good information and also a good question. If you want to know the difference between them you can use the Magento 2 Delivery Date and then ask the developer for this query I am sure you got the answer about that 

for the technical query contact