` checkout_cart_update_item_complete ` i want to store the all item Qty has been change on checkout cart page. qty increase/decrease capture
@MIBridges wrote:` checkout_cart_update_item_complete ` i want to store the all item Qty has been change on checkout cart page. qty increase/decrease capture
<event name="checkout_cart_save_before"> <observer name="my_save_cart" instance="Namespace\Module\Observer\CartSaveObserver"/> </event>
still i am not getting the Item or Qty
public function execute(\Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer) { echo "this is magento cart item update after event work"; $ob_productId = $observer->getEvent()->getObservers(); echo " == productId =="; print_r($ob_productId); $peraproductId= $this->_request->getParam('product'); echo " == peraproductId ==" . $peraproductId; $item = $observer->getEvent()->getQuoteItem(); $qty = $item->getQty(); print_r ($item); print_r ($qty); exit(); }
The commerce/cart/update-cart endpoint is for both adding and updating cart items. You can directly modify any line item's qty , note , and options using that ...TellCulvers