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problem understanding placeOrder sequence flow

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problem understanding placeOrder sequence flow


I'm new to magento and php

I'm looking at writing a hosted payment page integration in magento2.

I'm going through the QuoteManagement placeOrder function .

function placeOrder($cartId, PaymentInterface $paymentMethod = null)

I'm consfused that it calls $paymentMethod->setChecks, but that PaymentInterface doesn't define such a method?


How does that work?





Re: problem understanding placeOrder sequence flow

`QuoteManagement` class implements `\Magento\Quote\Api\CartManagementInterface` which has placeOrder() .

PaymentInterface defined payment related methods and data which can be used in placeOrder().


If it helps please give "Kudos" and  "Accept solution".

Re: problem understanding placeOrder sequence flow

The issue is that PaymentInterface doesn't seem to have a method "setChecks()" defined on it.