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"ScopeDefault" class returns 1 as id where 0 would be expected

"ScopeDefault" class returns 1 as id where 0 would be expected

\Magento\Framework\App\ScopeDefault::getId() returns (int)1 where I with my Magento 1 background would expect (int)0 to be the correct result.

I have not seen this behavior trigger any bugs in the code so I would like to hear if anyone can confirm whatever the current implementation is correct or not?


 magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/App/ScopeDefault.php Lines 23 to 31 in 8c7c700

      * Get scope identifier
      * @return int
     public function getId()
         return 1;

Steps to produce

/** @var \Magento\Framework\App\ScopeDefault $scopeDefault */
$scopeDefault = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance()


Expected result


Actual result



Note. This is a continuation of issue 12377