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reuse list.phtml in custom module

reuse list.phtml in custom module

Hello guys,


I have a custom module that gets a product collection of "favorite products" for the home page:

class HomePageOurFavorites extends AbstractProduct implements BlockInterface
    protected $_template = 'widget/index.phtml';
    protected $productFactory;

    public function __construct(Context $context, array $data = [], ProductFactory $productFactory)
        parent::__construct($context, $data);
        $this->productFactory = $productFactory;

     * Get favorites products
    public function getProducts()
        $objectManager     = ObjectManager::getInstance();
        $factoryCollection = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\CollectionFactory');
        $collection        = $factoryCollection->create();
        $collection->addAttributeToFilter('is_favorite', 1);
        return $collection;

// ....

Currently, the template used is the template's `widget/index.phtml`.


I'd like to show the products exactly as they are shown on the product page, so I'd like to use the `list.phtml` from `Magento_Catalog`. Any ideas how to do that?


Re: reuse list.phtml in custom module

Hi @marten_seemann 


You need to override list.phtml with your custom theme first.
Then you need to create object of your block withing html and then you can use your collection function.

Thank you.

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Re: reuse list.phtml in custom module

You need to override list.phtml with your custom theme first.

I already did this. I just want to reuse whatever I customized there.


Then you need to create object of your block withing html and then you can use your collection function.

How do I create an object of that block in the html, and how does this object know to use the Magento_Catalog list.phtml?

Re: reuse list.phtml in custom module

Hi @marten_seemann 

You can create object of your model file by using below example:

$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$object = $_objectManager->create('Vendor\Model\Model\HomePageOurFavorites');

 It may help you!
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