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Admin de Magento no se activa

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Admin de Magento no se activa

Después de migrar el sitio web desarrollado en Magento y cargarlo nuevamente en un nuevo hosting, el Magento Panel de Control no se activa en el Magento/admin.

Carga correctamente el login pero las pestañas interiores del admin referidas a la configuración del sitio aparecen pasivas y no permiten su activación.

He seguido las correcciones publicadas en los Blog de Magento pero aun así, no logro la activación del Panel de Control.

Favor ayuda...


Re: Admin de Magento no se activa

Hello @ricardo _ewertz 


Did you run all the commands?


php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

php bin/magento cache:clean

php bin/magento cache:flush

php bin/magento indexer:reindex

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Re: Admin de Magento no se activa

Hello @ricardo _ewertz 

Possible Issues:

  1. The result of installing or updating

    You may get an error message after installing a new extension, upgrading one or applying Magento 2 core or an extension patch. The solution is to flush the Magento 2 cache via the command line. Run the below commands for the solution:

    php bin/magento cache:clean 
    rm -rf var/cache/* 
    rm -rf var/generation/* 
    rm -rf generated/* (for magento 2.2.x)
    1.  The compilation hasn’t been started.It is necessary to restart the compilation when a new extension is installed in a production mode. If you forget it, the backend as well as frontend won’t work Smiley SadThe solution is to reset the production mode again via the command line. Run the below command to check if the production mode is activated:
      php bin/magento deploy:mode:show
      If the current application mode is production, run
      <strong>php bin/magento deploy:mode:set production</strong>
      to set the mode once again and reset everything from the start.
    2. An incorrect Admin URL
      It may happen that you are trying to access the backend with incorrect URL. Check the correct URL for admin panel via command line with the below command.
      php bin/magento info:adminuri
      The permission role is not set correctly
      To solve this issue, reset the permission role of your administrator from Admin Panel> Systems> Permission> User Roles.

Follow the below steps:

  1. Select the role name that needs to be edited.
  2. Switch to the ‘Role Resources’ menu.
  3. Set the ‘Resource Access’ to ‘All’.
  4. Save the role and clear Magento 2 cache after the settings are configured.

Backend not working when you upgrade or migrate your Magento
In this case, the ‘Not Found’ message is displayed on the frontend when you try to access a page.
One quick solution to the Magento 2 Backend not working is to run the below SQL query:

UPDATE `store` SET store_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `store_group` SET group_id = 0 WHERE name='Default';
UPDATE `store_website` SET website_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `customer_group` SET customer_group_id = 0 WHERE customer_group_code='NOT LOGGED IN';

Hope it helps.

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Re: Admin de Magento no se activa

Need help... we do have access to the Magento Website but we have no access to de Magento Admin files. 

It is blocked and nothing seems to work...

User and password are nor recongized and if we try to change the admin or user system doesnt allow us

Please help... it has been a nightmare and I need teh access to de Magento admin files


Re: Admin de Magento no se activa

Iam still working on it but without success to recover the login access to the Magento Admin files.

It seems to be working ok but the user and password aren nos accepted and we get a message the account sign in was incorrect or you account is disabled temporarely...


Please help how to reset the sign in to the Magento admin