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After installing Magento 2.4.5, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graphics

After installing Magento 2.4.5, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graphics

I have installed Magento 2.4.5 in Centos Server but Images and styles are not loading. 

I can see the static assets from


But in the source code I can't see '/pub' directory in the url

below is the generated path

I run below command, but no luck

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento indexer:reindex

This is the root .htaccess

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/pub/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/setup/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/update/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/dev/
RewriteRule .* /pub/$0 [L]
DirectoryIndex index.php

Re: After installing Magento 2.4.5, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graph

Hi @sainulabidnv ,


Please try solutions one by one.

One of the solution will fix your issue.



Execute following commands in your terminal window

sudo a2enmod rewrite

sudo service apache2 restart


Navigate to /var/www/html/magento2_root and execute following command

sudo php bin/magento c:f


Check front-end or back-end in private window.



open /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Navigate to the place in the apache2.conf file <Directory /var/www/>

Change "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride All"

Save the file




<Directory /var/www/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted


<Directory /var/www/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted


sudo service apache2 restart


Navigate to /var/www/html/magento2_root and execute following command

sudo php bin/magento c:f


Check front-end or back-end in private window.



Open app > etc > di.xml

find the virtualType name="developerMaterialization" section. In that section below, you will find an item <item name="view_preprocessed" xsi:type="object">



From: Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Symlink
To: Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Copy


Navigate to /var/www/html/magento2_root and execute following command

sudo php bin/magento s:di:c

sudo php bin/magento c:f


Check front-end or back-end in private window.


Problem Solved? Accept as Solution!

Hope it helps!


Ankit Jasani

Re: After installing Magento 2.4.5, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graph

Hello @sainulabidnv 


Kindly follow below steps:

1) Change "Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Symlink" to "Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Copy" in app/etc/di.xml file (line 598)
2) Run via ssh: php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
3) Next command: chmod -R 777 pub/*
4) And finally: rm -rf var/*

It may help you!
Thank you

Problem solved? Click Accept as Solution!

Re: After installing Magento 2.4.5, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graph

Hi @Bhanu Periwal 


I have updated di.xml and run the mentioned command, but still the issue exist.

my di.xml code

<virtualType name="developerMaterialization" type="Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Factory">
            <argument name="strategiesList" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="view_preprocessed" xsi:type="object">Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Copy</item>
                <item name="default" xsi:type="object">Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Copy</item>

This was the setup code :

php bin/magento setup:install \
--base-url= \
--db-host=localhost \
--db-name=xx_23db \
--db-user=xx_23dbusr \
--db-password=hc?]SsNreqvi \
--admin-firstname=admin \
--admin-lastname=admin \ \
--admin-user=admin \
--admin-password=admin123 \
--language=en_US \
--currency=USD \
--timezone=America/Chicago \
--use-rewrites=1 \

Re: After installing Magento 2.4.5, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graph

Hi @Ankit Jasani ,

Thank you for the reply.

I tried all three solutions, but the issue still exist. 

1, the mod_rewrite Apache module is enabled by default.

2, update "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride All" and resatarted apache and run listed command.

3, This is the current di.xml

<virtualType name="developerMaterialization" type="Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Factory">
            <argument name="strategiesList" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="view_preprocessed" xsi:type="object">Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Copy</item>
                <item name="default" xsi:type="object">Magento\Framework\App\View\Asset\MaterializationStrategy\Copy</item>

Re: After installing Magento 2.4.5, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graph

Hi @sainulabidnv ,


Could you please provide screenshot with inspect element console?



Ankit Jasani

Re: After installing Magento 2.4.5, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graph

Hi @Ankit Jasani 

- Source code screenshot



- Frond end


- Server file location


[root@ded4xxx /]# cd /home/domain-user/public_html/
[root@ded4xxx public_html]# ls
app               composer.json  generated                 LICENSE_AFL.txt      phpserver                  var
auth.json.sample  composer.lock  grunt-config.json.sample  LICENSE.txt          project-community-edition  vendor
bin               COPYING.txt    Gruntfile.js.sample       nginx.conf.sample    pub
cgi-bin           dev            index.php__               package.json.sample      error_log      lib 



Re: After installing Magento 2.4.5, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graph

Hi @sainulabidnv ,


From your above screenshot of source code take first calendar.css path and open in browser.

I can see path contains pub word in between. If url not loaded data then remove pub/ from path and open url direct in browser.


Let me know what happens when you do above thing.


Hope it helps!


Ankit Jasani

Re: After installing Magento 2.4.5, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graph

Hi @Ankit Jasani ,

The calendar.css is working only in " /m2/pub/static/frontend/Magento/luma/en_US/mage/calendar.css"

I have installed the Magento in tow sub domain for testing,

1, Installed Magento in sub director named 'm2' and link is - m23 . masterpieceproav . com (no space)

2, Installed Magento in root directory and link is - mg . masterpieceproav . com (no space)

Re: After installing Magento 2.4.5, images and stylesheets do not load; only text displays, no graph

If you are talking about subdomain then you need to do below steps I think.


1) copy index.php and .htaccess files from /pub to your magento root folder (into shop folder)


2) Find the below line in index.php (from the shop folder)

require _DIR_ . '/../app/bootstrap.php';

and replace it with

require _DIR_ . '/app/bootstrap.php';


3) Go to magento 2 database which you recently created and find the table core_config_data

In this table you need to insert/update below rows

Path => Value

a) web/secure/base_static_url =>

b) web/unsecure/base_static_url =>

c) web/secure/base_media_url =>

d) web/unsecure/base_media_url =>


Problem solved? Click Accept as Solution!


Hope it helps!


Ankit Jasani