Our catalog search result page has stopped working, and we are not sure when this happened. We have the Smartwave Porto Theme installed, and they say the catalog search module is standard Magento, and not related to the theme.
This is what you see when searching:
This is what we see when we enabled template path hints:
Anyone have the slightest idea what could cause this?
Thank you,
Can't tell without more access, but if I had to guess, I would blame that MagePlazza AjaxLayer extension you have as the most likely suspect.
Just tried to disable the MagePlaza Layered Navigation in the backend, to no success. Same strange white empty page.
Your category page is also empty - https://www.kilram.se/kilramar
Do you use elastic search? Is that server running properly? Have you tried reindexing it?
Thanks, we seem to have some small issues with our search engine. It's actually OpenSearch 2.9. It should be back to normal now. Thanks for the heads up