In my magento 2 website when someone places order, an email is sent to him. In the email the subject is correct but there is no body in the message: the message comes blank.
Please help me solve this issue
Thanks in advance
Are you using custom email templates? I think there is problem with email template.
So please check you new order template.
Howdy All,
I'm have a similar problem, but the html email content is showing up as an attachment and the email is blank. This started with the update to Magento 2.3.3.
Does anyone have ideas on what's going on and how to fix it?
Howdy All,
Okay I answered one of my own questions, in that why, the email header has:-
Content-Disposition: =?utf-8?Q?inline?=
When it should be
Content-Disposition: inline
As the email clients don't understand utf-8 encoded values for the Content-Disposition.
The next question, does anyone know what to do about it? How to stop the utf-8 encoding of this header field?