Hi Support.
I currently face an issue with catalog rules in M.2.2.2
Whenever i create a catalog-rule, (save and apply the rule), the targeted products wont have an updated price based on the rule before i manually go to:
1. catalog->products
2. finding one of the products i know is within my rule
3. Manually saving the category.
4. Reindexing catalog_product_price - bin/magento indexer:reindex catalog_product_price
Only here im able to see the relation between the product and catalog rule in catalogrule_product in the database.
After that, i went to make a full reindex (bin/magento indexer:reindex) - and the relation will then again disappear.
Cronjobs are running as expected.
Have any of you experienced any similiar and have a suggestion what could be the issue?