I am getting the following error when running a reindex of the catalog search after upgrading from magento 2.3.5 to magento 2.4 and installing elasticsearch 7.9.
The website is also not accessible showing error "An error has happened during application run. See exception log for details."
bin/magento indexer:reindex catalogsearch_fulltext
Catalog Search index
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Wrong parameters for Elasticsearch\Common\Exceptions\ServerErrorResponseException([string $message [, long $code [, Throwable $previous = NULL]]]) in /home/MJL/public_html/vendor/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/src/Elasticsearch/Connections/Connection.php:665
Stack trace:
#0 /home/MJL/public_html/vendor/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/src/Elasticsearch/Connections/Connection.php(665): Exception->__construct(NULL, 503)
#1 /home/MJL/public_html/vendor/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/src/Elasticsearch/Connections/Connection.php(320): Elasticsearch\Connections\Connection->process5xxError(Array, Array, Array)
#2 /home/MJL/public_html/vendor/react/promise/src/FulfilledPromise.php(28): Elasticsearch\Connections\Connection->Elasticsearch\Connections\{closure}(Array)
#3 /home/MJL/public_html/vendor/ezimuel/ringphp/src/Future/CompletedFutureValue.php(55): React\Promise\FulfilledPromise->then(Object(Closure), NULL, NULL)
#4 /home/MJL/public_html/vendo in /home/MJL/public_html/vendor/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/src/Elasticsearch/Connections/Connection.php on line 665
Hello @pickardo
It seems issue with your Elasticsearch version, can you please downgrade your Elasticsearch version to 7.6.2 as shared in below issue !
Hope it helps !
Hi Guarav,
Thank you for your response, I have managed to fix the issue by editing the elasticsearch.yml file using the basic but required configuration.
Seems I had some extra unneeded settings uncommented.
Elasticsearch is now working, version 7.9 with php 7.4, magento 2.4.
Although since fixing this, 7 hours screen time later the frontend is now throwing up all sorts of other exceptions regarding block titles in certain modules.
Nothing is ever simple hey?
Where did you find the elasticsearch yml file? Thanks
Could you provide your settings, please?