I get this error at the checkout. An ID is needed. Set the ID and try again. The order does process and charged, the customer gets the receipt but this error pops up at checkout and takes you back to the checkout. Any ideas ??
Solved. The issue was with the WeltPixel Google Tag Manager extension. I removed that and it worked. It was not with the tags, as I tried to delete all tags first and still got the problem.
Same problem here with WeltPixel Google Tag Manager extension. Extension off and all works fine
I contacted WeltPixel but they said no-one has reported this error which obviously isn't true!
Same problem here
Hello @Dalerion
Can you please send here list of modules because this is happen due to some of the modules which are conflict each other
Thank you
Yes i think so. I looked into the plugin and saw that $orderId is NULL that causes the error.
For the moment, i override PaymentInformation.php and GuestPaymentInformation.php to get the order with:
if(!$result) { $order = $this->_checkoutSession->getLastRealOrder(); }
It's working now, but i still have to do a backtrace after I took over the shop with a lot of garbage.
HI, same error here.
How did u solved?
Did you manage to re-enable WeltPixel module without troubles?
some update from module?
manually edited?