Hello all. We have a website with magento 2.4.5 CE and multi source configuration in our magento 2 setup.There are no core modifications.
When create configurable product(with for examples 3 options) and assign qty to source, after that place an order with one qty from frontend from the website and finally create an shipment for that particular order.
After that parent configurable product goes out of stock automatically. That product will be out of stock for the website where only one qty is shipped.
Parent configurable product should not go out of stock as only one item from child product is been shipped.
Can you suggests a solution for that issue. Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you in advanced.
Find yourself a patch here - https://github.com/magento/inventory/issues/3350
Hello Tonyagency82.
Thank you for suggestion for Configurable product goes to out of stock after the shipment is created Patch(posted by RonanCapitaine). It fixed the issue on magento CE 2.4.5
Thank you once again for helping us.