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Duplicate template id Error When Sending Email Programmatically in Magento 2 (“dotmailer_current_tem

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Duplicate template id Error When Sending Email Programmatically in Magento 2 (“dotmailer_current_tem

Registry key "dotmailer_current_template_id" already exists in /var/www/html/vendor/magento/framework/Registry.php:60

I am getting this error when I try to programmatically send an email with magento 2.

My code is as a follows. The AmastyConfig object has methods that check if my configurations are valid before sending the email.

public function sendStartSubscriptionEmail( AmastySubscriptionInterface $subscription,$storeId){ $customerEmail= $this->customerRepositoryInterface->getById($subscription->getCustomerId())->getEmail(); if ($this->AmastyConfig->isNotifySubscriptionPurchased($storeId)) { $template = $this->AmastyConfig->getEmailTemplateSubscriptionPurchased($storeId); //$this->Notifier->sendEmail( $subscription, $template, $storeId, $customerEmail); }}

This is the definition of the send email class.

public function sendEmail( AmastySubscriptionInterface $subscription, string $template, int $storeId, string $email, array $templateVariables = [] ) { $templateVariables = array_merge($this->prepareTemplateVariables($subscription), $templateVariables);

    $data = new DataObject(
            'template'           => $template,
            'store_id'           => $storeId,
            'email_recipient'    => $email,
            'email_sender'       => $this->config->getEmailSender($storeId),
            'template_variables' => $templateVariables

    $this->eventManager->dispatch('amasty_recurring_send_email', ['email_data' => $data]);


This is the Observer:

class Notification implements ObserverInterface { /** * @var TransportBuilder */ private $transportBuilder;

public function __construct(TransportBuilder $transportBuilder)
    $this->transportBuilder = $transportBuilder;

 * @param Observer $observer
 * @throws \Exception
public function execute(Observer $observer)
    $data = $observer->getData('email_data');

    if (!$data) {
        throw new \Exception('Email data not specified');

    /** @var TransportBuilder $transportBuilder */
    $transportBuilder = clone $this->transportBuilder;

    $transportBuilder->setTemplateIdentifier($data['template'] ?? null)
        ->setTemplateVars($data['template_variables'] ?? [])
                Area::PARAM_AREA=> Area::AREA_FRONTEND,
                Store::ENTITY => $data['store_id'] ?? null
        ->setFrom($data['email_sender'] ?? null)
        ->addTo($data['email_recipient'] ?? null);

    /** @var \Magento\Framework\Mail\TransportInterface $transport */
    $transport = $transportBuilder->getTransport();

