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Error Warning: Undefined array key "source_code" when import Stocks


Error Warning: Undefined array key "source_code" when import Stocks

I am getting the following error while doing a stock import via CSV.

Using the path: System -> Import -> Stocks


Captura de pantalla 2023-08-09 a la(s) 17.27.07.png


This occurs with version 2.4.6-p1. With version 2.4.6 it does not happen.


Captura de pantalla 2023-08-09 a la(s) 17.29.54.png


This is the file mentioned in the error, line 40, start reading the CSV rows.


Someone that helps me?


Accepted Solutions

Re: Error Warning: Undefined array key "source_code" when import Stocks

Ensure that your CSV file is properly formatted and contains the necessary columns melon playground required for the import, including the 'source_code' field if it's required for the import process. Double-check if there are any changes in the import requirements between versions. 

View solution in original post


Re: Error Warning: Undefined array key "source_code" when import Stocks

Ensure that your CSV file is properly formatted and contains the necessary columns melon playground required for the import, including the 'source_code' field if it's required for the import process. Double-check if there are any changes in the import requirements between versions.