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Error when using database for media storage

Error when using database for media storage



I'm experiencing issues when updating product images if I set Magento 2 to use the database for media storage. If I upload an image with the same filename as a previously uploaded image, I get the following error when I try to save the product:


SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'httpsindian-ocean-6030.lovebonito.com83216image123_3.jpg-356' for key 'MEDIA_STORAGE_FILE_STORAGE_FILENAME_DIRECTORY_ID', query was: UPDATE `media_storage_file_storage` SET `filename` = ?, `directory` = ? WHERE (filename = 'httpsindian-ocean-6030.lovebonito.com83216image123.jpg') AND (directory = 'tmp/catalog/product/h/t')


Does anyone have experience with this issue?