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Export and Import configurable products with updated prices

Export and Import configurable products with updated prices

Hi there 


I couldn't anywhere find a solution to my question, so I decided to post here.

I have added a configureable product to my store with 2 attributes (dimensions and material) both have different sku's for each combination and different prices.

Now I managed to export the data, edited the prices, uploaded it again, but when viewing the "configurable product" in configuration and shop frontend still the old prices show up.

Does anybody know what I might have overlooked?!

Thanks in advance! Michael


Re: Export and Import configurable products with updated prices

Hi @mipretzlgm9ec6,


There can be several possibilities to these old prices show up. 

  • issue of special price
  • issue of Magento installation
  • issue of elastic search if using Magento 2.4.o version

you can recheck for these issues too and maybe you get your solution.