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Frontend images don't appear until an item clicked and refreshed

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Frontend images don't appear until an item clicked and refreshed

Hi, having a strange problem here.

When importing new products via .csv, the images do not show on the frontend immediately.

Actually, they do not show at all unless you click into the item. Once you've viewed the item once, the images then render perfectly from then onwards.

I am the site owner, and the company that do our Magento have been messing with this for weeks to no avail.

Screenshot attached, the 3 images show exactly what's happening, the first two have not been clicked, the third has and then the page refreshed and then they show fine.

Any ideas gratefully received, if I've missed anything please feel free to point it out, new (ish) to Magento.

Thank you


Images not showing.png


Re: Frontend images don't appear until an item clicked and refreshed

Hello @noel_vance ,


After the Data importing through CSV, you can run following commands.

php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
chmod -R 777 var/ pub/ generated/

NOTE : I can't access your attached screenshot.

If my answer is useful, please Accept as Solution & give Kudos

Re: Frontend images don't appear until an item clicked and refreshed

@noel_vance  please try the below command, you will be able to see the images.


php bin/magento catalog:image:resize


Re: Frontend images don't appear until an item clicked and refreshed

Hello @noel_vance 

Did you try image resize command?

Some more information


Also store is in production mode?

Was my answer helpful? You can accept it as a solution.
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Re: Frontend images don't appear until an item clicked and refreshed

Hi all.

Sorry for not replying sooner.

I think all the suggestions made have already been tried but I've got our developer checking this thread. Thank you for your support so far.


If you look at this page you can see what I mean, some have the Magento placeholder image, but if you click the item and then go back to the page, the image is there.


It's a very odd problem

Re: Frontend images don't appear until an item clicked and refreshed

Please delete this product and add again and check.I have the same issue once.

@noel_vance wrote:

Hi all.

Sorry for not replying sooner.

I think all the suggestions made have already been tried but I've got our developer checking this thread. Thank you for your support so far.


If you look at this page you can see what I mean, some have the Magento placeholder image, but if you click the item and then go back to the page, the image is there.


It's a very odd problem