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Help! Old Imported customers can't Pay, Guest and New Can

Help! Old Imported customers can't Pay, Guest and New Can

Hi something weird is going on help! I installed an extension. At first there were many errors until I realized it wasn't working because it needed an SSL. Then Setup SSL, domain everything.

Made a payment as guest, great, accepted. Asked a friend to test it she created an account and paid. Perfect so I said to Management last Friday that payment system was ready.

Over the weekend managers tested the payment. We meet Monday 16. They were angry they could not pay. I was like what! at first they told me maybe it was related with the browser, because they used mac and we used chrome and explorer. I was like no that has nothing to do. So sweating in the middle of the meeting I notice the console showed this error in their mac


so I checked what that was:

<response><message>**The consumer isn't authorized to access %resources.**</message><parameters><resources>self</resources></parameters></response>


I was like wtf is this why specifically my boss and manager can't pay. SO I created a new account in the spot, made a payment and it was accepted. There is were I realize: the accounts imported from M1 were having problems, Guest and New accounts Can make payments.


NOW WHY? help me plz


I been researching but nothing similar appears.


is a clean magento 2 in lightsail AWS. 

I imported the users with csv from a Magento 1. The old users need to reset their password to login. I created the groups in M2 and the users got assigned to the same groups they were in M1. That is all I did related to users. so idk what could be the problem.