When I export the data only urls for primary store is exported, but I want urls for all stores to be exported.
For example rings page url is:
mysite.com/rings.html (This is exported)
But there's also spanish store version of it which is:
mysite.com/es/anillos.html (This is not exported. How can I export this as well ?)
Hello @seymurcrise57e
You can use the following script to export products with the product URLs:
require './app/bootstrap.php'; $bootstrap = Bootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER); $objectManager = $bootstrap->getObjectManager(); $url = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $storeManager = $url->get('\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface'); $state = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Framework\App\State'); $state->setAreaCode('frontend'); $storeManager = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface'); $storeId = $storeManager->getStore()->getId(); $websiteId = $storeManager->getStore($storeId)->getWebsiteId(); $Mediaurl=$objectManager->get('Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface') ->getStore() ->getBaseUrl(\Magento\Framework\UrlInterface::URL_TYPE_MEDIA); $productCollection = $objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Product\Collection') ->addAttributeToSelect('*'); $dataCollections = $productCollection->load(); $finalData[]=array('SKU','Product Name','Status','Product URL'); foreach($dataCollections as $dataCollection){ $tmp_data=array(); $tmp_data[]=$dataCollection['sku']; $tmp_data[]=$dataCollection['name']; $tmp_data[]=$dataCollection['status']; $productUrl = $objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Api\ProductRepositoryInterface')->getById($dataCollection['entity_id'], false, $storeId); $tmp_data[]=$productUrl->setStoreId($storeId)->getUrlModel()->getUrlInStore($productUrl, ['_escape' => true]); $finalData[]=$tmp_data; } $file_name='catalog_products'; $fileurl=$file_name.'.csv'; createcsv($fileurl,$finalData); echo 'Done'; function createcsv($fileurl,$csv_data_array){ $fp = fopen($fileurl, 'w+'); foreach ($csv_data_array as $fields){ fputcsv($fp,$fields,","); } fclose($fp); return true; }
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To export all product, collection, and page URLs in all languages, you need to bypass the primary store limitation and capture translated URLs. Utilize platform-specific tools like Shopify's Export Translations or Magento's Data Export to generate a CSV with URLs including the language code (e.g., /es/anillos.html).
Alternatively, crawl your site with a web scraping tool to comprehensively gather all language versions of product, collection, and page URLs. Remember, the key is to target URLs with language identifiers in their structure.