Hello there,
I integrate the API for
GET /V1/shipment/{id}/label (shipment label id)
So,here my question is that from where I get the shipping label id.
Thank you
When you generate shipment of order using rest api , in response it returns the shipping id.
So here first you need to generate shipping for that order - for that you need to call below api
Endpoint - http://<host>/rest/default/V1/order/3/ship
So here for order no - 3 you are generating shipment ! and it returns that shipment id
so further you can use that shipment id for label generation !
You can refer this link - https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.1/get-started/order-tutorial/order-create-shipment.html
Hello @Manthan Dave,
Yes you are write that if I integrate the API
Endpoint - http://<host>/rest/default/V1/order/3/ship
From above API I get the shipment ID. This shipment ID is to Integrate API like:
GET /V1/shipment/{id} [Loads a specified shipment.] here id = shipment id
the above API works fine and give me the result.
But GET /V1/shipment/{id}/label [Gets a specified shipment label] Here id = shipment label id.
When I integrate this shipment label id API it returns nothing.
Give me a suggestion by which i get the shipping label.
Thank You.
Hello @harshita_chouhan
As per magento coding you need to pass shipment id
public function getLabel($id) { return (string)$this->repository->get($id)->getShippingLabel(); }
Here it is trying to get shipment object.
hope it will help you.
Hello @Sunil Patel,
First of all thank for response,
Yes may be it works but I want to integrate the API in Node JS not in PHP. So if it possible you give me suggestion by which I find the shipping label id. to integrate the API :
GET /V1/shipment/{id}/label
Thank You
looks like you haven't integrated your magento 2 setup with any courier partner and that is the reason , shipping label is not generated !!
Do one thing refer this link , how to generate shipping label from magento 2 backend - https://www.mageplaza.com/kb/how-to-create-shipping-labels-magento-2.html
if it helpful to you click on kudos and accept as solution !!
hope it helps to you !!
Hello @harshita_chouhan
Can you please send me original shipment response?
Hello @Manthan Dave,
Could you please give me suggestion, Which API is integrate to create the Invoice of new order whose status is in pending.
Thank You
Yes sure below is the end point URL to generate invoice for pending order :
POST /V1/order/{orderId}/invoice
Where you need to pass order id and Method Name should be POST
Also you can take a reference from this api url - https://devdocs.magento.com/swagger/#!/salesInvoiceOrderV1
Also take a reference from this - salesInvoiceOrderV1 from swagger ! you will get exact idea
Hope it helps !!
Hello @Manthan Dave,
Yes, I have to integrate this API "http://url path/V1/order/{{orderId}}/invoice" and in body {
"capture": true,
"items": [
"extension_attributes": {},
"order_item_id": 3,
"qty": 1
"notify": true,
"appendComment": true,
"comment": {
"extension_attributes": {},
"comment": "string",
"is_visible_on_front": 0
"arguments": {
"extension_attributes": {}
but i got the message
message: 'Invoice Document Validation Error(s):\n You can\'t create an invoice without products.
Thank You