I have custom Magento v2.1.6 store.
After launching my store my site got down very often because of max user connection.
It set it to 512 from mysql config, but site exceed max connection again in 1-2 hours.
In normal case, I think Magento does not create any sleep status process in mySQL.
My store is customized with
- 3 frontend multiple store (Magento 2 built-in)
- Using persistence shopping cart (Magento 2 built-in)
- Using Braintreepayment (Magento 2 built-in)
- Using Blog module
- Using Review module
- Using J2T reward module
- Using shipping matrix module
and customized option.
Do you have any idea, which part possibly, creating this issue?
Please advice.
is that a busy site?
When you hit the limit again login to MySQL and issue:
show full processlist
and paste its output here.
please make sure you have connections limit applied correctly. check value in mysql, and make sure you edit correct config.
or your site under ddos, bots,etc
or you have some extension or custom code that send too many bad queries to database.
I am having the same problem on a Magento CE 1.9 site. It is happening during a PCI scan. I lowered my interactive_timeout and my wait_timeout, but it still happens, I just boot them off before they max out my connections. I'm trying to figure out what from magento is causing these unclosed connections.