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Is it just me or is Magento 2 not getting any better?

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Is it just me or is Magento 2 not getting any better?

Hello everyone,,

I've been working with Magento since 1.3 and I honestly still prefer working with 1.x. They went out of their way for all the technical bells and whistles with dependency injection and what not but before 2.2 the dev experience for 2.x was incredibly horrible. I remember my first reaction being OMG THEY ACTUALLY MADE IT EVEN SLOWER. I taught a Magento course on 2.1 and I was embarrassed by how slow it was and everything can go wrong in a million different ways. The static asset stuff has gotten better but man did they **bleep** the bed with that system. I've thrown out several installations and just done a reinstall instead of trying to debug that **bleep**..


Re: Is it just me or is Magento 2 not getting any better?

I've certainly fought a lot of wild fires upgrading ever since 2.1.8.... I'm optimistic things will eventually get better but it seems to take problems people solve on stack exchange a year for the dev team to officially patch them. It's an unfortunate side effect of being well structured. There are delays and inefficiencies.


It's certainly not a product that's refined enough for a non-IT person to manage.


Re: Is it just me or is Magento 2 not getting any better?

Phew - I thought I was alone in thinking exactly the same.

I agree it gotten much better in the past few releases, but that was long overdue.

Also agree there's still no way you let a non-techie near it unless they wanted an exact clone of luna to roll out as their production site - and don't laugh, I heard of that being done :-)