Hello Guys,
When i open home page on website i am getting this error. I have tried clean up of var and pub static folder and redeploy static content again but still this error i am facing.
If anyone who have solution of this error please help me out to fix this issues.
Seems like your screenshot is not visible to us , could you please post the error which you are seeing or post screenshot some where and share link with us ?
its good if you post the error here , so it helps us to troubleshoot the issue.
Hello Manthan,
Please check this error here.
Uncaught TypeError: processScripts is not a function
at HTMLDocument.apply (main.js:64)
at fire (jquery.js:3232)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:3362)
at Function.ready (jquery.js:3582)
at HTMLDocument.completed (jquery.js:3617)
Looks like error is coming from custom theme called - ChromeBattery/cb-theme
in this custom theme you have main.js file from there error is throwing.
kindly activate magento 2 luma theme and check , error is still showing or not
Hello Manthan,
Yes its custom theme and there are lots of errors.
Is there any other solution apart to change luma theme.
I want to fix this error and other javascript error so my store will work smoothly. Due js error not operation are functions right now.
Add to cart, checkout etc etc not working properly.
Kindly help me to figured out.
I understand your concern and you are correct !!
but to resolve this js issue , we need to debug theme code , so if it is third party theme then create support ticket on their support forum.
or else we manually need to resolve theme error , from that main.js file.