Hi Guys
I am facing issue import magento stock source importing. please check the snapshot
Upload CSV : https://prnt.sc/ranqvc and getting error snapshot: https://prnt.sc/ranr13
Below my csv format please help me how to solve the issue thanks in advance
Please check my csv: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FXhgtGK5sFo9kIXnQUKjKJ_LvHX0SLWu/view?usp=sharing
Hello @Ansarul146
Can you please increase value of Allowed Errors Count?
Hi Snajay
I tried to increase 10000 but its not working form me you can check the snapshot: https://prnt.sc/rao65p
is there any way to solve the issue
I have tried with 10000 error count still not working
I have updated Magento 2.3.4 Still issue remain same
Can you help me what is the possible reason to create such error