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Magento 2.4 indexing stop and product not showing on frontend.

Magento 2.4 indexing stop and product not showing on frontend.


I am having an issue with product indexing. Product indexing is stopped and no product is shown on the frontend randomly and getting this error we can't find products matching the selection on product detail and category pages.
When I run these commands then it will work fine:
systemctl restart elasticsearch
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush

But, I want to know about the issue why this is happing. I can not run the above command every day. Please suggest the best solution to this.


Re: Magento 2.4 indexing stop and product not showing on frontend.

Hello @AOSmedical 


Please set up the manually cron job for the commands. so your problem gets solved.


If my answer is helpful full then please set the accept solution flag and kudos flag so other members can take the same reference.

Re: Magento 2.4 indexing stop and product not showing on frontend.

@dipmegpro Thanks for the help but I want to know about the issue why it is happening and what is the permanent solution for this Cron is one of the solutions but I prefer to use it if I don't have any other option.