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Magento 2 Database: Create SQL Query

Magento 2 Database: Create SQL Query


I want to create an SQL query where I pull the name of each manufacturer and their total sales done in a specified date range.


Manufacturer Name | Total Sales

I have a query where I pull the manufacturer names:


SELECT DISTINCT B.value AS "MANUFACTURER" FROM `eav_attribute_option` AS A 
LEFT JOIN `eav_attribute_option_value` AS B ON A.option_id = B.option_id
WHERE A.attribute_id = 81

And I have a query where I get the total sales of each product:

SELECT B.value AS "BARCODE", A.sku AS "SKU", AS "NAME", A.price AS "PRICE", 
COUNT(A.sku) AS "QUANTINTY", SUM(A.price) AS "TOTAL" , A.created_at AS "DATE" FROM `sales_order_item` AS A left JOIN `catalog_product_entity_varchar` AS B on A.`product_id` = B.`entity_id` WHERE (A.created_at LIKE "2015-11%" OR A.created_at LIKE "2015-12%") AND B.attribute_id = 148 GROUP BY A.sku ORDER BY `DATE` ASC

I am struggling in connecting those two, as I need the basic functionality of each. I cannot find a key that connects the tables I need.

Thanks in advance and have a great rest of the day!