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Magento 2 - Issue with Creating Customer with Soap API

Magento 2 - Issue with Creating Customer with Soap API


I am working on an extension on Magento2. I am using soap web service to create new customer. It is customers successfully but when I am adding address with post data then it is giving error as mentioned below -

"One or more input exceptions have occurred."

Please find below the code -

'prefix' => (String) $title, 'websiteId' => '1', 'store_id' => '1', 'group_id' => '1', 'created_at' => (String) $createdOn,
'addresses' => [
'firstname' => $firstName, 'lastname' => $lastName,
'street' => [$street1, $street2, $street3], 'city' => $city, 'countryId' => $country,
'region' => ['regionCode' => 'IN', 'region' => "as", 'regionId' => 3], 'regionId' => 3
, 'postcode' => $postalCode, 'telephone' => $phone1, 'company' => $companyName, 'prefix' => $title

$resultCustomerInfo = $customerRequest->customerAccountManagementV1CreateAccount($customerData);

Please help on this, if any one has the format for post data please share the same.