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Magento 2 backend disagreeing with itself on whether a product is enabled or not

Magento 2 backend disagreeing with itself on whether a product is enabled or not

We noticed an issue today with a product. This product is supposed to be disabled: it should not be visible on the store. Here you can see that, according to the product's page on the backend, it is disabled:


However, here it is on the store, still visible:


And even more confusing, when I look at the search results page on the backend (before clicking through to the individual product page) it lists the status as "Enabled". I did not think to take a screenshot of this part before disabling it from the search page; it is now listed as disabled everywhere (search results and individual product pages) and is no longer visible on the store. 

All these searches etc were done with the SKU, 1759000, so I am confident it's not that I was accidentally looking at two products or anything like that. The parent product, P1759000, was listed as "Disabled" the entire time, and continues to be so. 

Do you have any idea what might be going on, or how to prevent it in the future? Thank you