Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to get text values for custom options on a configurable product.
My product:
GET /rest/V1/orders/items/156 { "amount_refunded": 0, "applied_rule_ids": "2", "base_amount_refunded": 0, "base_discount_amount": 0, "base_discount_invoiced": 0, "base_discount_tax_compensation_amount": 0, "base_discount_tax_compensation_invoiced": 0, "base_original_price": 8.88, "base_price": 103.88, "base_price_incl_tax": 112.45, "base_row_invoiced": 103.88, "base_row_total": 103.88, "base_row_total_incl_tax": 112.45, "base_tax_amount": 8.57, "base_tax_invoiced": 8.57, "created_at": "2018-08-30 14:48:41", "discount_amount": 0, "discount_invoiced": 0, "discount_percent": 0, "free_shipping": 0, "discount_tax_compensation_amount": 0, "discount_tax_compensation_invoiced": 0, "is_qty_decimal": 0, "is_virtual": 0, "item_id": 156, "name": "Configurable product", "no_discount": 0, "order_id": 82, "original_price": 8.88, "price": 103.88, "price_incl_tax": 112.45, "product_id": 2072, "product_type": "configurable", "qty_canceled": 0, "qty_invoiced": 1, "qty_ordered": 1, "qty_refunded": 0, "qty_shipped": 0, "quote_item_id": 108, "row_invoiced": 103.88, "row_total": 103.88, "row_total_incl_tax": 112.45, "row_weight": 0, "sku": "config-prod-Orange", "store_id": 1, "tax_amount": 8.57, "tax_invoiced": 8.57, "tax_percent": 8.25, "updated_at": "2018-08-30 14:48:55", "weee_tax_applied": "[]", "weight": 1, "product_option": { "extension_attributes": { "custom_options": [ { "option_id": "2", "option_value": "1" } ], "configurable_item_options": [ { "option_id": "93", "option_value": 56 } ] } } }
I can get the configurable_items_options text here:
GET /rest/V1/products/attributes/93 { "is_wysiwyg_enabled": false, "is_html_allowed_on_front": true, "used_for_sort_by": false, "is_filterable": true, "is_filterable_in_search": false, "is_used_in_grid": true, "is_visible_in_grid": false, "is_filterable_in_grid": true, "position": 0, "apply_to": [ "simple", "virtual", "configurable" ], "is_searchable": "0", "is_visible_in_advanced_search": "0", "is_comparable": "0", "is_used_for_promo_rules": "1", "is_visible_on_front": "0", "used_in_product_listing": "1", "is_visible": true, "scope": "global", "attribute_id": 93, "attribute_code": "color", "frontend_input": "select", "entity_type_id": "4", "is_required": false, "options": [ { "label": " ", "value": "" }, { "label": "Black", "value": "49" }, { "label": "Blue", "value": "50" }, { "label": "Brown", "value": "51" }, { "label": "Gray", "value": "52" }, { "label": "Green", "value": "53" }, { "label": "Lavender", "value": "54" }, { "label": "Multi", "value": "55" }, { "label": "Orange", "value": "56" }, { "label": "Purple", "value": "57" }, { "label": "Red", "value": "58" }, { "label": "White", "value": "59" }, { "label": "Yellow", "value": "60" } ], "is_user_defined": true, "default_frontend_label": "Color", "frontend_labels": null, "backend_type": "int", "source_model": "Magento\\Eav\\Model\\Entity\\Attribute\\Source\\Table", "default_value": "49", "is_unique": "0", "validation_rules": [] }
However, this does not work with custom_options:
GET /rest/V1/products/attributes/2 { "message": "Attribute with attributeCode \"%1\" does not exist.", "parameters": [ "2" ] }
I can get the custom options from the PARENT item here:
GET /rest/V1/products/config-prod/options/ [ { "product_sku": "config-prod", "option_id": 2, "title": "Fee Type", "type": "radio", "sort_order": 1, "is_require": true, "max_characters": 0, "image_size_x": 0, "image_size_y": 0, "values": [ { "title": "White Glove Delivery", "sort_order": 1, "price": 95, "price_type": "fixed", "option_type_id": 1 }, { "title": "Inside Delivery", "sort_order": 2, "price": 35, "price_type": "fixed", "option_type_id": 2 }, { "title": "Standard", "sort_order": 3, "price": null, "price_type": null, "option_type_id": 3 } ] } ]
However, this does not work when using the configurable SKU:
GET /rest/V1/products/config-prod-Orange/options/ []
There is also no way of getting the parent SKU from the item from what I can tell.
1. So, is there a way to either get the parent SKU from a child SKU?
2. Is there a way to get the text values for custom options similar to
Did you ever make any progress with this?
try using the above API, it worked for me.
See my answer here: https://magento.stackexchange.com/a/313072/88690